Let the Adventure Begin
with good books of mystery and romance. Good books make great reads!
Read and dive into the mysterious adventures Author Chris Lamela has brought to life. Scroll down to view his most recent trilogy, series, and stand-alone books.
Meet Chris Lamela
Chris Lamela has written many books on different subjects including the Magic Town Trilogy, three books of mystery, murder and love. Fallen Eagles, Lovers cast together is a historic romance, a true story of love during World War II. Other writing include Who’s Living In This Crazy Brain that takes an entertaining look at life. The newest is the Trenton Pierce, Detective series, a continuing story telling of a man’s adventures into a world of mystery, crime, murder and romance with characters that come alive for the reader as you find out who dunnit. These books show an author with a mature perspective and playful sense of story telling; all are meant as “beach reading” for the adult reader’s enjoyment.